Supported by a cross-section of building industry stakeholders, the report provides facility stakeholder insights into technology development and market delivery.

CABA has announced the end of its research on “AI and Predictive Maintenance in Intelligent Buildings”, a project that the Energy Management Association helped fund. The project uses stakeholder research, expert interviews, and in-depth market analysis to determine how use cases, customer environments, purchasing behavior, and ecosystem interactions all contribute to the development of these technologies. The purpose is to influence and understand what it does.

“CABA was grateful to receive support for this research from such a wide cross-section of the intelligent buildings industry,” said Greg Walker, CEO of CABA.

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Predictive maintenance can be described as a set of software and platform tools that use data from control and automation systems, distributed sensor networks, and external business intelligence to predict the next system “event”. The health of machines, coupled with the growing availability of new technologies, has led to a consistent cycle of innovation and progress in this area.

That current technology evolution — and growing industry use cases — fuels a massive opportunity for companies across the value chain. However, for this to be realized, CABA’s report concludes, critical hurdles will have to be overcome and significant collaboration among different hardware, software, and services providers will be necessary.

Timely recommendations and strategic pathways were developed for each of the key stakeholder segments — OEMs, software providers, service providers, and building owners and property managers — on how they can best position themselves in this evolving intelligent building landscape.

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