Return on Investment for Certificants

ABM EMP Testimonial

Some of the most established companies in the industry continuously opt to have an EMP on staff to leverage their competitive position.


Why are Technical Certifications Important?

  • Demonstrates Commitment – both internally to corporate and individually to clients
  • Recognized Proficiency – important step in professional development
  • Continuing Education – supports CEU / PDH requirements for licensed individuals
  • RFQ Requirements – more RFQs / RFPs include certification requirements for respondents
  • Codes and Ordinances – more codes and standards are defining the qualifications required to perform specific activities
  • Government Initiatives – more government contracts will require individuals meet the DOE / BBWG requirements


Top 5 Reasons to Choose EMP certification:

  1. Accredited by ANAB and recognized by the DOE’s Better Buildings Program.
  2. The Commissioning-based approach produces maximum energy efficiency and building optimization.
  3. Meets “Qualified Energy Auditor” requirements for the new ASHRAE 211 Energy Audit Standard.
  4. Supported by the largest network of independent certified commissioning providers in the world (ACG).
  5. Recognized by cities, states, and utilities as a qualifying credential to perform energy-related work.


Click here to view the companies who already see the value in having a certified EMP on staff.