Introduction: An overview of the topics to be covered in the series.
An Audit of Audits: What are the types of audits that are typically performed in facilities (ASHRAE 1-3, investment grade, building or system-specific etc.). What type of audit is appropriate for what purpose, desired outcomes?
Planning Energy Audits: Provides a checklist for pre-audit activities and considerations.
Energy Audit Scope/Methodology: The EMP 7-phase methodology is introduced. (Participants are provided with PDF of 246-page EMA Guideline.)
Development of Audit Plan: Includes introduction of ASHRAE Standard 211 with emphasis on the Level 2 audit requirements relevant to incentive requirements.
Standardized Industry Practices/Minimum Reporting Requirements: Material is presented from ASHRAE 211, EMA Guideline references and other applicable guidance.
Discussion of ECMs and FIMs: Provides context in the desired outcomes and key differences in ECMs and FIMs.
Sample Audit Exercises: Relates to pre-event materials distributed to participants.
Preparation of Audit Report: Samples reports are explained; recommended best practices are provided.
Introduction: Elements of effective facility documentation and tracking energy use. Units of measurement kWH, therms, gallons, etc. Discussion of metrics, degree days, metering, submetering (including BTU and smart metering).
Gathering Data: Monthly bills, supplier contract info. Discuss Portfolio Manager and its uses
Organizing Data: By building, operating entity, department, etc. Discuss submetering, BAS trend logs,
dataloggers, other means of stratifying consumption data, interval data.
Energy Balance: Demonstrate the four-part process for calculating.
Energy Baseline: Develop a baseline against which estimated energy consumption can be measured going forward. Baseline metrics (boundaries, year, fuel source, units of output, etc.)
Discussion of Influences on Energy Consumption: weather, occupancy patters, seasonal activities, behavioral, etc.
Energy Use Intensity: Introduce formula, sample calculations, EUI uses
Principles of Energy Benchmarking: What is energy benchmarking? Tools and resources, developing a benchmarking plan. The Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS).
Introduction: Site assessment / investigation techniques – key data collection
techniques; visual observations, measurements, trend logs, etc. Introduction of relevant principles of Facility Condition Assessment.
BAS-related Strategies: No Cost / Low Cost strategies for energy savings – examination of common control strategies, sequences, adjustments, BAS tips
Mechanical Part 1: Energy opportunities – common opportunities associated with building envelopes, lighting systems, filters, and domestic hot water systems
Mechanical Part 2: Energy opportunities – common opportunities associated with boilers, steam systems, and heating water systems
Mechanical Part 3: Energy opportunities – common opportunities associated with refrigeration & cooling systems (chillers, DX and CHW / CW distribution)
Mechanical Part 4: Energy opportunities – common opportunities associated with various HVAC terminal distribution systems (AHUs, various terminal units, etc.)
Office Part 1: Energy opportunities printers, copiers, fax machines, scanners, and multifunction devices
Office 2: Energy opportunities behavioral techniques featuring providing occupants with awareness, feedback, and actionable insight on their own energy usage.
Procurement: Overview of energy procurement with emphasis on auditing skills.